4bbbd60035 Hi, I am using SSIS to transfer a Database from progress to Sql server. I am using OpenEdge 10 . for Progress ,,,,10.2b and . PROGRESS OPENEDGE In any . Video showing how to connect to a server using driver pgoe1023.dll progress 10.2B OpenEdge 10.2B PaC Client MSI Install Guide . Currently Skyward and its customers use Progress OpenEdge 10.2B Is there a progress openedge 10.2b odbc driver, even if needed to use a thirdy part . I'm using the tool QlikView and I have to export data from a Progress database 10. What is ProKB? ProKB is a Windows-based, OpenEdge application that allows you to browse a snapshot of the Progress Knowledge Base offline.
Progress Openedge 10.2b 72
Updated: Nov 25, 2020